So guys when it comes to a nice set of tits what do you look for? This is me of course and I wanted to share some photos with you. The set below I am calling Naomi Chi tits for obvious reasons. Its me and my tits. If you also look close you will see that I have a little extra showing in one of the photos and I hope that you think that is super hot. I felt it was and so did the camera guy. Even before I touched my cock to get it hard.
So anyway this set Naomi Chi tits is mostly about my tits and I want your honest opinion. Do I have nice tits? Do the tattoos take away from them or do they add to them. My tits are round and heavy and look as natural as any other woman’s. Don’t you think so? I do!
Now I know a lot of you guys are shy. Some people call you lurkers because you never post or vote or anything along those lines. But today I want you to break out of that and make some comments below. Let me know what you like about me and what you don’t. how I can look better for you. Sexier and hotter!
By the way. Click an image to see more of this free sample gallery.